Sunday, July 17, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away!

As i opened the curtains this morning and saw the rain falling, it struck me that one part of any wedding that no-body can organise is the weather. Particularly here in the UK our weather tends to be if nothing else rather unpredictable.

But don't let the weather worry you, the best thing is to always "be prepared"

Firstly any venue that you are considering, always remember to ask the question - if it rains what is our alternative - often hotels where you are marrying outside will give you the option of holding the ceremony indoors and a really good venue will always suggest that you make
 a "plan b option" just in case.

Secondly if you are having an outdoor wedding, look at ways to have fun with things.
Wellies for yourself or the whole wedding party can be a great idea.

  With so many different funky designs around you can even colour match them with your
 bridesmaids dresses.
                                                The same idea can be applied to umbrellas

 you can choose any colour to match your theme,
 ideal for the bridesmaids?

                                                         I really love these cool designs
Or you could go with white, simple and traditional, or vintage looking

Wellingtons and umbrellas can still look fabulous in photographs

So no matter what the weather - rain or shine, if your prepared you can still have the perfect day