As promised here is my first feature on our real bride Holly.
As well as being a Wedding Planner, I am also very proud to be Holly's Mum, so I guess my blogs will be coming from three different perspectives, My daughters, Mine as mum and objectivly as a wedding planner. So i think this will be an interesting journey to follow over the coming year.
Holly and Fiance Jeff announced their engagement just after valentines day after a romantic proposal on the beach. As her mum I was really pleased to hear their news as Jeff is a lovely guy who I know really loves Holly and I know he makes her happy. So the wedding date is set for April 2013.
Living in Bristol I knew that one of their favourite places for a day out was at the Zoo, so it did not really come as a suprise when they told us that their chosen venue for their wedding is Bristol Zoo.
Now getting married at a Zoo may be a little unusual but think of not only the photo opportunities but the fact that all your guests get the freedom during the day to take a walk around the Zoo itself.
At the beginning of the month I took a trip down to Bristol to look around.
Clifton pavillion
Weddings take place in the Clifton pavillion which has its own entrance, there are two rooms, one on the upper floor and one on the lower floor.
Holly's wedding will be on the lower floor which has a pretty little terrace at the back with a courtyard ideal for photographs.
I must admit it was a fairly glum day so these photographs do not do the venue justice.
The room itself is large and really well lit, they have the most amazing floor as you can see, again it can be hard to imagine things transformed for the day, but once all the wedding decor has been added it will look amazing.
So with the wedding a year away Holly has already started to get some ideas of what she would like. The only thing that complicates things a little is that both Holly & Jeff both work in the Royal Fleet Auxillary, which means they are usually away at sea for 4 months at a time, so when leave comes in the summertime we will be able to swing into action. As a mother I am most looking forward to seeing my daughter choose the dress of her dreams, a moment that I know I will cherish for a lifetime. Holly has a good idea of the kind of dress she would like and has narrowed it down to three options. One thing that alot of people will tell you is how you can often go into a shop with your perfect dress in mind, then by the time you come out you have ended up with a completly different dress! its that feeling of "this is the one" and you just know when you have it on and see yourself for the first time looking back at you in the mirror. Either way its going to be an enjoyable day.
I look forward to divulging more after our dress shop, but there will be no photos until the after the big day itself, dont want to spoil any surprises.
I know a few people already who have said, " oh so you will be organising the wedding then", a fairly common assumption I guess as weddings is my work, its nice in the way i can offer advice on where to look for things and how to get the best discounts, but it is Hollys day, just as with any bride I work with, I am there to provide support and advice. Wedding planners do not take over the whole arrangements for a wedding unless that is how they have been employed, most of the time we work in partnership with a bride to assist bringing things together, and saving some time, money and stress. Knowing others in the wedding industry helps too. So the assumption that Wedding planners are for people with big budgets or celebrities is just a modern missconception, we are used by people who have time restrictions, or just need that extra support getting things done for the day. So on this occasion first and formost I will be mother of the bride.
I hope you will enjoy following Holly's experiences in the run up to her big day