Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Teacup Wineglasses..................

Ok just when i think i have seen most things someone comes along and shows me something new and different!
I have never really thought about teacups being turned into wine glasses, but there seems to be something rather facinating about them. I really love things that are different and provide a real wow factor or talking point at a wedding or party, i think you will agree that these would do that.

When i was approached by Abby Forknall and she showed me them i just had to share them.

Abby offers a bespoke service where you pick the colours & patterns to suite your theme.

  before .................


No matter how big or small your Wedding Abby will be happy to help, she recently did a wedding reception for 150 people!

The other good news is if you dont want to buy you can always hire them, Abby can even sort out a mixed wedding set for you to hire.

Prices are £15-£25 each or to hire £4 each

I think you will agree they would be perfect for a wedding with a Vintage Shabby Chic Style

So if you would like to know more contact Abby on