Do not forget what is important is the two of you and what would lie ahead for the two and has a wonderful future together. Do not let finances spoil your wonderful union. There are many ways to save money on jewelry and ornaments that are involved in marriage. There are many online self-help ebook that shows you how to have an exceptional wedding without spending a fortune.
These days you can hire wedding jewelry and only return it when finished. Some people spend a fortune on wedding jewelry sitting in a box for the next 25 years gathering dust or until hard times come because it is not suitable for any occasion. It's not often see someone buying a gold tiara Wal-Mart as well ... unless you live near Lady Gaga, of course.
You can always ask the jewelry of your friends and family. It really does not care and probably will be honored to play a role in the big day. If you have a large family of mostly women, then it will be plenty of choice. Again, as long as everything is tasteful and in keeping with the theme, then you can not go wrong and everything should be exceptional.