Lower jaw-drop alert, jewelry hounds! I've been trolling auction results again. I know. The first step is admitting you have a problem. BUT - if I went on a diamond diet, who would bring you face to face with the likes of THIS amazing creature?

What is this explosion of Art Deco decadence, you ask? It's a Cartier 'Tutti Frutti' bracelet - and those are real diamonds designed in the shape of an undulating vine, with real emerald bead leaves and real ruby flowers and berries.
Ain't it just diVINE?

The Tutti Frutti jewelry category emerged after Jacques Cartier designed this staggering little number called the 'Hindu Necklace" for one of America's richest women, Daisy Fellowes, in 1936.

HOWEVER. In typical Insider style, I gawk at the gazillionaire gems and come down to earth with fun fruity styles with 'mere mortal' price points.
Who doesn't love these Tutti Frutti-inspired treasures on Jewelry.com? C'mon! Click on any image for more info - and get in touch with your inner fruitcake!