First are the bands will be the same or an expression of individuality? Then set a price range of what can be spend on them. Be reasonable and do not put themselves deep into debt with them. His love is in your heart, not the cost of their lesbian wedding bands.
If the two are going to go shopping in the jewelry store window? If you are designing or is it someone else? Are your wedding bands will be custom made. Do you have enough love to make that measurement?
Will you have special words with their names and date engraved inside their wedding bands? It all depends on your own tastes as to what to collect. That no other force a decision from you.
These are just some things for you to answer for their wedding rings.
Maybe a trip to a special visit by jewelers. If you have any ideas that can work with you.
You can find a local jeweler or go to Provincetown MA. Many of the artists there are jewelers who do a beautiful job. Above all, take your time, do not rush. Take a day trip or weekend exploring the shops of their special wedding bands lesbian. Enjoy you for this unforgettable experience to remember forever.