During the Elizabethan age of 16 and 17 centuries, the popular finger for wedding rings became the thumb during a period of time - however, the tradition found its way back to the finger that had been considered by companies old as the vena amoris. Other companies during other periods of history have also opted to take their wedding and engagement rings on his middle finger in place, but more universal, the ring finger has been argued that the fourth finger of his left hand. It is customary in some cultures, including Greek Orthodox, the ring remains in the left hand during the commitment period of the couple, then transferred to the right hand during the wedding ceremony.
(In Chile, the tradition is the opposite - with the couple wearing his wedding ring on his right hand, and then transfer to your left once the marriage was made official in the wedding ceremony. ) Even other companies - as the Russians, the Nordic countries, Colombians, and Polish - showing the ring on the ring finger of right hand instead of left, but the belief of the ancient Romans credit in the vein amoris as the ratio of their culture to the fingertip.